Unleash the Power of AI: 9 Essential Steps for Creating Content with ChatGPT

When it comes to exponential growth, content is absolutely king. Content comes in many shapes and forms. Amongst these forms, simple, SEO-optimized articles stand out as the bread and butter of any 10x marketer. These articles can not only pad your blog with juicy knowledge and make sure you’re ranking for all the keywords relevant to your business but they can also be repurposed into social media posts, webinar talking points, short videos, and more.

While platforms like Writesonic, CopyAI and others might offer sleek UXs to help you navigate AI content creation, we believe that there is no substitute for using ChatGPT correctly.

Step 1: Seed your AI

Every time you open a ChatGPT tab, you’re essentially having a new artificial baby, Unlike a human baby, your AI baby is born knowing every piece of information with which it was trained. Yet, the AI is a blank slate when born, one that you can mold into the best possible version for your task. The first step of any extended AI task is seeding your AI, which involves prompting it with a default setting it should assume. In our case, we’ll instruct the AI to act as a content-writing maestro.

You are an all-conquering content-writing maestro, packing your articles full of statistics, and links to credible sources. Utilize statistics and credible sources to support your claims, while ensuring that the language is clear and easy to understand. Be mindful of SEO best practices, using relevant keywords throughout the article to improve its search engine visibility. Oh, and your name is Maven. Can I get an Amen!?

Step 2: Doing Some Keyword Research

Nothing induces excitement and anxiety in equal measure quite like a blank page. If you are to scale a blog, you have to get the ideation phase down to a T. And fast. Thankfully, our trusty assistant Maven can help us take a single seed of inspiration and transform it into a full-fledged content calendar.

Keywords are the building blocks of any article posted online. Humans love them, Google loves them, and they are the magnet that will pull long-term traffic to your posts.

I want to write an article about the [web3] niche. Can you suggest some SEO keywords that I could write about?

It’s important to target the RIGHT keywords. If you ask Maven, he’ll mention the idea of ‘long-tailed keywords’, that is, longer and more specific phrases, that often have less competition and higher intent from users.

Here are some topics that ChatGPT thinks we should write about:

  • Web3 privacy solutions
  • Web3 governance models and community decision-making
  • Web3 decentralized identity management systems

Please note that using ChatGPT does not replace doing REAL keyword research. The best keyword research tool in the game is Ahrefs, but it’s rather pricey. Ubersuggest is a great option, and it even offers a limited free tier.

When it comes to picking a keyword to write about, you want to hit the golden combination of low competition, high volume keywords.

Step 3: Filling Up Your Content Calendar Based on Your Funnel

Life is a journey, and so is your blog. Much like the journey that is life, different users will begin the journey on your blog at different stages.

Readers can start at the Top of the Funnel (TOFU), the wide-open territory of the awareness phase. At this stage, they make their way down to the Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU). It’s like they’re venturing through different stages, much like explorers progressing through uncharted territories.

Choosing keywords based on your marketing funnel allows you to align your content with users at different stages of their buyer’s journey.

That’s incredibly long for an introduction my friend. Keep it tight, 5-7 sentences tops

And that kids, is how you build a content calendar.

[My company offers web3 companies a regulated path to raise money with security tokens.] I want to write a series of SEO articles targeting readers at the 3 different stages of the funnel. Top of the Funnel (TOFU), the wide-open territory of the awareness phase. MOFU, or middle of the funnel and Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU), the part where they are ready to make take an action. Can you provide 5 blog ideas (title only) for each 3 funnel stages?

Step 4: Generate a Powerful Title For Your Article

A well-crafted title is the honey that draws the bears into your majestic work of lyrical genius. Whatever you’re writing about, no one will be enticed to read it if you have a poor title. Google is also a big fan of powerful titles, prioritizing titles when ranking sites for search. Titles are so important that many elite content writers spend more time working on the title than they do on the actual content. Maven will help you formulate a world-class title with turbospeed.

I want to write an article targeting [‘web2 vs web3’] keyword.
Can you suggest some powerful titles that people would want to click on?

I like this title. Give me 5 more variations of this:
[Web2 vs Web3: Redefining the Internet Landscape]

Give me more. Be more creative. Unleash your most creative self. You’re a word artist

Step 5: Set the Framework

When I worked with human content writers, I used to ask them for a brief before they start on the whole article. The brief should be divided into paragraphs, each with its own subheading and a few bullet points of the content it will include. This way we can align on the contents of the article before the writer goes ahead and drafts a full article. So why should AI be any different?

Great I like this [Web2 vs Web3: The Internet’s Powerful Transformation]

Please provide a framework for the article

The other benefit of providing a framework before writing the entire article is that it primes you to work through the article paragraph by paragraph. AI is still not ready to produce content from scratch. Like a young calf in a flowing meadow, it needs guidance.

Step 6: Write the Article Paragraph-by-Paragraph

Search Engines HATE fakes and fraud. That includes duplicate content. But it also includes lazily-created AI content.

Be better. Check yourself.

Now that you have gathered all the necessary information and organized your thoughts, it’s time to start writing your AI-generated content. After every paragraph, we’ll use an AI detector to determine whether or not the article sounds robotic. I look for a score of above 75% to tell me that my content sounds relatively human.

Let’s give it a shot with the introduction for ‘Web2 vs Web3: The Internet’s Powerful Transformation’

Please write the introduction to my article titled [Web2 vs Web3: The Internet’s Powerful Transformation.] Don’t be a lazy robotic fool. Make sure your copy is clear and concise. Stand out by using varying sentence structures, power words and facts.

Running this prompt returned an entire article! I need to tell the AI to limit the content to a certain length, otherwise, it will go crazy.

That’s incredibly long for an introduction my friend. Keep it tight, 5-7 sentences tops

This is the introduction the AI returned: In the ever-evolving realm of technology, the internet has proven to be a force of unparalleled magnitude. It has reshaped industries, revolutionized communication, and connected billions of people across the globe. But as the digital landscape continues to evolve, a new era is dawning upon us – the age of Web3. This transformative paradigm promises to take the internet’s power to unprecedented heights, paving the way for decentralized networks, enhanced user control, and a renewed sense of privacy and security. In this article, we will delve into the clash between Web2 and Web3, exploring the key differences, potential implications, and the immense opportunities that lie ahead as the Internet undergoes its most profound metamorphosis yet. Brace yourself for an enlightening journey into the future of the digital realm, where we witness the internet’s powerful transformation from Web2 to Web3.

Running it through an AI detector gave me a score of 32%, where 0 is AI generated and 100 is fully human. That’s no good! So I go back to Maven and ask him to improve the copy for me.

This text got 32% where 0 is AI generated and 100 is fully human. We need to get that number up, above 75% at least! Shake it up, make the copy stand out, dazzle and sparkle with your language

The result is MUCH better, scoring 85% on the AI detector test. Below is the paragraph it returned. Please note, that I’ve made some minor edits manually. Maven loves to wax eloquent, so I have to step in to simplify his language so that the masses can understand.

In the dynamic world of technology, the internet reigns supreme, a monumental force that has redefined industries, revolutionized communication, and united billions of individuals worldwide. Yet, as the digital landscape perpetually evolves, a shift looms on the horizon—a shift known as Web3. Brace yourself for a paradigm-altering era that promises to raise the internet’s power to unimaginable heights by empowering user control, and forging an unyielding shield of privacy and security. In this article, we plunge headfirst into the epic clash between Web2 and Web3, exploring their profound disparities, potential ramifications, and the opportunities Web3 brings. We’ll embark on an exhilarating journey through the future of the internet, transcending from the constraints of Web2 to the dazzling brilliance of Web3.

That’s it! We have our introduction. The whole process took me between 3-5 minutes to produce 120 words. We’re on track to have a full article in 30-40 minutes. Love me some exponential tech.

Nice introduction Mr AI, let’s move on to [next paragraph]

Step 7: Add an FAQ Section to Your Article

You know how when you search for something on Google, the top half of the page has a whole list of questions relevant to the keywords? Or perhaps you’re familiar with the featured snippet of a search page?

Turns out you can optimize your content to get featured in these questions. The best practice is to include a bunch of FAQ questions at the end of your article, with short, sharp answers that your readers can browse through to understand better.

When it comes to picking the questions to include, you have two paths:

  1. Do keyword research to find the most asked questions.
  2. Ask Maven. Duh

We’ll start with the keyword research, and then feed the options to Maven to get more variations.

Can you provide me some faq questions for this article that people are likely to search on Google. Basic, simple questions will do. Here are a few examples
[What is web3?
What is the difference between web3 and web2?
Is Web3 the future?]

Here are the questions I’m going to go with. Please provide 1-3 sentence answers to all of these questions.
[1) What is web3?
2) What is the difference between web3 and web2?
3) Is Web3 the future?
4) How does Web3 ensure privacy and data ownership?
5) What industries can be transformed by Web3?
6) Are cryptocurrencies necessary for Web3?]

When I asked Maven for answers, it gave me some robotic text that failed the AI detector test. So I had to ask him to spice it up, and spice it up he did.

Those answers are robotic mate. Only a 54% score with the AI detector. Please spice it up so that we score at least 75%

Step 8: Add AI-Generated Images to Your Article

Google, and humans, love pictures. Unless you’re pitching a thesis in front of a bunch of suited professors to get your PhD, you’re article should absolutely NOT be text-only. Everyone loves a good picture book, and that’s how your article should read.

But many content writers struggle with finding the right images for their articles. In the past, the struggle was indeed real, but today’s AI tools like Midjourney, Bing, StableDiffusion and Dall-E have revolutionized image generation. These cutting-edge applications can create compelling, relevant images in seconds, freeing content writers from the burden of image sourcing, while ensuring visual content is perfectly tailored to their textual narratives.

AI image creation is a whole ball game on its own, but the basic gist of it involves you typing in a sentence, or a prompt, into the engine and it returns an image for you. How do we know what prompt to use? We ask Maven of course.

Midjourney is a generative artificial intelligence program for generating images from natural language descriptions, called “prompts”. It can also accept reference images as input. I am providing you this information because I want to create AI images using Midjourney and I’ll be taking your help. Do you understand?

Once you’ve explained to Maven what midjourney is, it’s also helpful to copy/paste their prompt guidelines found here.

Now we can go ahead an ask Maven for a prompt with which to create an image.

I want to create some conceptual images and infographics for my article about web3. Here’s the intro for the article [intro]

Here is an image we can use for our Web2 vs Web3 article. The prompt used is

A vibrant illustration of data packets flowing freely between computers, smartphones, and robots, encapsulating the decentralized, peer-to-peer data transfer in a Web3 network

I hope to cover AI-generated images in a dedicated section so stay tuned!

Step 9: Optimize The On-Page SEO to Help Your Article Rank

This is not an SEO course, so don’t expect to learn all the secrets of the SEO gods. That being said, the basics of SEO (apart from writing a powerful article of course) involve optimizing your meta description and title tags to rank for the keywords you’re targeting. These are HTML tags that Google uses to catalog and display your content. The title tag will be displayed in bold on the search engine, while the meta description will be displayed underneath.

What are some best practices for writing powerful, SEO-optimized meta descriptions?

Given these best practices, please write a meta description for an article targeting [‘web2 vs web3’] keyword. It must include the keyword [‘web2 vs web3’]

This is what Maven returned. Pretty neat!

Delve into the ‘Web2 vs Web3’ debate with our detailed comparison. Understand the transformation from Web2’s centralization to Web3’s decentralization, their impact, and what they mean for the future of the Internet.

What the AI CAN’T Do (yet)

Before we close off, it bears mentioning two more aspects of creating world-class articles that AI doesn’t handle yet.

  1. Internal and External Linking: An SEO-optimized article needs to link to both external, authoritative sources and to other pages on your website. Unfortunately, ChatGPT gets in a habit of making up links that don’t exist, so you’ll have to work the old-school Google search for this one.
  2. Graphs and charts: Data is the spice of content, and a graph can always come in handy to drive your point across. Once again, AI isn’t making data-driven graphs yet (at least I don’t know how) so you’ll have to hit up Google search.

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